France officially the French Republic is a country whose metropolitan territory is located in Western Europe, and that is further made up of a collection of overseas islands and territories located in other continents. Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and North Sea, and from the Rhine River to the Atlantic Ocean. French people often refer to Metropolitan France as l'Hexagone (the "Hexagon") because of its geographical shape. France is bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra, and Spain. In some of its overseas parts, France also shares land borders with Brazil, Suriname, and the Netherlands Antilles. France is also linked to the United Kingdom via the Channel Tunnel, which passes underneath the English Channel. The French Republic is a democracy which is organized as a unitary semi-presidential republic. It is a highly developed country with the fifth-largest economy in the world in 2005.[2] Its main ideals are expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. France is one of the founding members of the European Union, and has the largest land area of all members. France is also a founding member of the United Nations. It is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council wielding veto power, and it is also one of only eight acknowledged nuclear powers.

Project Hope

In class, our teacher told us something about Project Hope. She said some children in the country couldn’t go to school because their parents were too poor to send their children to school. She called on us to help out.

After school I returned home. I wasgreatly moved by this. What should I do for Project Hope? I was wondering about this when I saw the money collection box on the table. Then I decided to send my pocket money, which I had saved for nearly one year, to the children who wanted to go to school. I wrote a letter to them and hurried to the post office. Together with the letter, Iposted the money and sent my best wishes to them.


如何集邮【内容提示】假如你是Uncle Fred,你收到你侄子Tom寄来的信,信中向你请教如何集邮,请根据来信写封回信。来信如下:Jan. 15,1998Dear Uncle Fred,How are you? I've become interested in collecting stamps recently and I've collected many envelopes and about 100 stamps. They are of different shapes, designs and colours. And my collection grows very slowly. I know you have been collecting stamps for years. Could you give me some advice on stamp-collecting?Thanks a lot.Yours sincerely,Tom【作文示范】How to Collect StampsJan.18,1998Dear Tom,I'm very glad to know you are interested in stamps and are starting to collect them now.You are asking for advice on stamp-collecting. I think first you should collect as many stamps as you can and trade the stamps you don't want with other people. I don't think you should collect the envelope unless it is unusual or it is a“first day cover”. Then you have to decide whether you want to collect a certain kind of stamp, such as stamps with a bird design. You'd better join a group. Other people will help you learn more about stamps and they will soon trade stamps with you. Have you thought of going to stamp sales and buy whatever you can afford? But at the beginning, you should buy used stamps.Stamp-collecting is fun and you may enjoy the unusual and beautiful designs of stamps.Good luck!Love,Uncle Fred【写法指要】这封信写得很圆满。像一篇短文一样,有引言段、扩充段和结尾段。在扩充段中有主题句和铺垫部分:第一句是主题句,其中“stamp-collecting”是王题,“advice”是制约思想;铺垫部分围绕制约思想写了三层意思,第一层意思以“first”为标记,第二层意思以“Then”开头,第三层意思以问句“Have you thought of…?”启发对方。这样,Uncle Fred就为Tom提供了三条集邮的建议供其参考。在结尾段里,作者指出集邮的好处。


hey I am a brother his name is peter he like sports has a great sports collection he has a soccerball two backetball six baseballs

Every day peter plays sports in the morning he usually plays backetball in the afternoon the often play soccer in the evening peter every plays sports he usually watches some sports games on TV





留意了书名的英译,置之一笑。The collection of HanHan。的确是把他以前的东西作为一个总汇,收集到一起。







爱我中华 ——观Stamp Collection Show有感 安阳市第五中学初一〈三〉班 在我们五中的收藏室里,放着很多邮票。学校在第7周的时候,开展了一次Stamp Collection Show(集邮展),让我了解了许多中国历史人物,许多名胜,许多世界知识,许多安阳知识…… 色彩斑斓的生活里,似乎没有怎么注意你—祖国。近代的历史,从书店里看得到你,但是你东一本,西一篇,好难收集全你。但是,在我的集邮册里有对您的美好回忆,它像一只杜鹃鸟,随时可以从嘴里飞出一支支动人的歌曲,我最爱听的一首就是:爱我中华! 五十六个星座五十六只花 五十六族兄弟姐妹是一家 五十六种语言汇成一句话 爱我中华爱我中华爱我中华 爱我中华 靳奋起的步伐 爱我中华 建设我们的国家 爱我中华 中华雄姿英发 爱我中华 五十六族兄弟姐妹 五十六种语言汇成一句话 爱我中华 …… 这首歌你们熟悉吗?对,就是宋祖英唱的爱我中华。这次集邮展中就有很多少数民族的邮票,让我知道了56个民族中的一部分。 当我看到有毛主席的邮票时,我陷入了沉思。祖国,我亲爱的祖国!我为你感到骄傲,我为你有五千年的辉煌历史而感自豪。我自豪,我是中国人!但是,历史总不是一帆风顺的,这其中的坎坷更使中华儿女有几多仇恨,几多屈辱,几多痛苦,比黄河还要曲折,比中药还要苦涩……那“火烧圆明园”永远是中国人的耻辱,重整山河待后生,是对它最好的诠释,扬威中华是它的百年的心声……“虎门硝烟”揭开了中国人们反侵略者斗争历史的序幕。我们永远也忘不了1901年签定的丧权辱国的“辛丑条约”,忘不了袁世凯将中国变为日本独占的殖民地的“五九国耻”,忘不了反封建的“五四运动”,忘不了残暴的“南京大屠杀”……很难想象这就是曾在世界上称雄的中国! 不过,旧中国的千疮百孔以成为过去,我们的经济高度发展。港澳回归让中国人民举国欢腾;中国不负众望,加入了WTO;APEC会议在上海召开;举办了第21届大运会;还获得了2008年奥运会的主办权……这都是值得普天同庆的事啊!中国走向了世界,世界了解了中国。我们安阳人要做的就是让安阳走向中国! 我站在高山上,大声喊道:“祖国,我爱你!我永远为你自豪!”

My family.I love them.

I have a family of 3 people.They are my father,my mother and I.My father likes books.He has a great book collection.Look there.There is a book in the bookcase.How much is it? Let me tell you.That's my father's favorite book.Its price is ¥30.It is a good book.My mother is a good woman.I love she best.And she lovos me,too.She usually gets up at 5:40.Then she has breakfast.To get to work.She goes to work by bike at 7:00.She is busy with her work.She is tired after work. My mother's birthday is August fifth.My father's birthday is July seventh.My mother's age is......Oh! I don't want to tell you.My father is thirty-seven.We are healthy.Why? Because we eat well.For breakfast,we have eggs,milk,tomatose and pears.For lunch,we have rice,chiken,apples and carrots.For dinner,we have hamburgers,strawberries,salad and broccoli.So,we are healthy.