Christmas is the most important festival in the western world. It falls on December 25th. When my mother and I stayed in America, we were invited by one of my mother's friends to have Christmas with an American family. We bought some presents for our American friends on our way to their house. copyright xzhufu

They had prepared different kinds of gifts for their family and guests when we got to their house, such as Christmas candles, cakes, cards, little toys, biscuits and so on. A Christmas tree was placed in the comer of the brilliant hall. How beautiful it was! We were impressed by these. We had a big meal. After dinner, they told us some interesting stories about Christmas. We learned that Christmas had something to do with God. We went to bed at midnight. Though we knew the Santa Claus was not true, we were still waiting for the Santa Claus with white beard to bring us presents.And we received many beautiful presents the next morning.

This Christmas was really unforgettable. Not only did I have a good time, but also I knew something about foreign culture. xzhufu



Do you know? Origin of Chdstmas

The name Christmas is short for“Christ’s Mass”.A Mass is a kind of Church service.Christmas is a religious festivaI.It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus.

There are special Christmas services in Christian churches all over the world.But many of the festivities of Christmas do not have anything to do with religion.Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the Christmas In the world.

The birth of Jesus had a story:In Nazareth,a city of Galilee.The vIrgin’s name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph.Before they came together,she was found with

child of the Holy Spirit.Joseph,her husband was minded to put her away secretly.While he thought about these things,Gabriel,an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a

dream and told hIm did not be afraid to take Mary as wife.And Mary,will bring forth a Son,and he shall call his name,Jesus,for he will save his people from their sins.

Before Jesus births.Joseph and Mary came to Quintus was governing Syria.So all went to be registered,everyone to his own city.Joseph also went up out of

Galilee.out of the city of Nazareth.into Judea,to the city of David.which iS called Bethlehem,because he was of the house and of the lineage of David,to be registered with Mary。his betrothed wife,who was with child.So it was that while they were there.the days were completed for her to be delivered.And she brought forth her firstborn Son.and wrapped him in swaddling cloths.and laid him in a

manger.because there was no room for them jn the jnn.And that.Christmas IS the feast of the nativity of on 25th,December every year.But nobody know the acluaI birthday of Jesus.And the Christmas has become popular when Christmas cards appeared in 1 846 and the concept of a joily Santa Claus was first made popular in nineteenth Century.


Christmas is one of the most important celebrations of the year for the western countries. It falls on the twenty- fifth of December and has the same importance as Chinese New Year to people with English backgrounds. The celebration is for the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the son of God in Christianity. Now days Christmas is no longer only celebrated by the Christians, but by most people from all over the world.

On the twenty- fourth of December everyone gets excited for it’s the day before Christmas which is called Christmas Eve. The children are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “Santa Claus will only come and give you a present if you be good.” The younger kids actually believe that Santa will come down the chimney on the sleigh that’s pulled by his reindeers. Food like short bread and beer are prepared for Santa when he comes, however most times parents just eat them. Some children put socks and sacks up for the holding of the presents (that their parents put in).

Rise and shine on Christmas morning! The children are always the first ones to wake up, some even do at four. Present wrappers everywhere! They look into their presents with a big smile on their face and oh dear….I hope no one’s disappointed. I feel sorry for anyone that got pink underwear. Children play while dinner is prepared by the adults. The Christmas dinner are usually eaten together by relatives. The tradition of Christmas pudding and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. The rest of the day is usually games and fun before the good days all come to an end.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!


One day ,long ago ,a litter baby was born.His name was Jesus.

Jesus was a special baby.Mang people say he was the son of God.

Think that he is born in the sky having a new come into being, and evasive intense star brilliant rays occasionally. Have had three sages to follow person star brilliant rays , have found Jesus. They have brought about the peculiar gift, and have foretold that Jesus grows up may become a great people the day afer tomorrow.

Jesus has become great one teacher after growing up, he has taught people loving God heartily , shown loving care for each other.

Afterwards,Jesus is envied and hated because of meeting with Judaism upper strata, the nail is suffered calamities on the cross , the at last is passed away by evil person.

People hangs with the star in the Christmas tree top for the thing commemorating Jesus , when Christmas Day , people give present each other.


The name Christmas is short for “Christ’s Mass,’’ A Mass is a kind of church service. Christmas is a religious festival. It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus.

There are special Christmas services in Christian churches all over the world. But many of the festivities of Christmas do not have anything to do with religion.

Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards are modern ways of making the Christmas season merry.


Christmas is the most important festival in the western world. It falls on December 25th. When my mother and I stayed in America, we were invited by one of my mother‘s friends to have Christmas with an American family. We bought some presents for our American friends on our way to their house.

They had prepared different kinds of gifts for their family and guests when we got to their house, such as Christmas candles, cakes, cards, little toys, biscuits and so on. A Christmas tree was placed in the comer of the brilliant hall. How beautiful it was! We were impressed by these. We had a big meal. After dinner, they told us some interesting stories about Christmas. We learned that Christmas had something to do with God. We went to bed at midnight. Though we knew the Santa Claus was not true, we were still waiting for the Santa Claus with white beard to bring us presents.And we received many beautiful presents the next morning.

This Christmas was really unforgettable. Not only did I have a good time, but also I knew something about foreign culture.


12月24日,长江实验小学校园里洋溢着浓浓的圣诞节气氛。||| 早上,一进校门,同学们就欣赏到了英语社团成员们表演的圣诞歌曲,那音乐是那样的熟悉,那样的悦耳。他们有的吹笛子,有的拉二胡,有的投入地歌唱着……他们神情专注,眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒,观看的同学们也被音乐陶醉了。||| 今天,每个教室都跟平时显得不一样,红红绿绿的彩灯和美丽的圣诞树把教室装扮得格外喜庆,不过,最让大家期待的还是神秘的“圣诞老人”。听说,他要给每一个人发一份圣诞礼物,大家都翘首盼望。||| 下午,“圣诞老人”终于光临了每个教室,给每个小朋友发了一块巧克力蛋糕。从胖胖的身体和笑容可掬的神态上,大家一致认为“圣诞老人”是可爱的陈加洪老师。六年级的一位大哥哥说:“这是我们在小学的最后一个圣诞节,虽然只是一小块蛋糕,但是包含着老师对我们的爱。”也有一些哥哥姐姐流下了开心的眼泪。||| 今天,长江校园里的每一个角落都回荡着欢笑声。|||


圣诞节,英语叫christmas day,在每年的阳历12月25日,是教会年历的一个传统节日,它是基督徒庆祝耶稣基督诞生的庆祝日。 同学们,老师们打算怎样过圣诞节呢?圣诞节在他们心目中又是怎样的呢?有的同学说:“圣诞节我想在床头挂上袜子。”有的说:“我想吃大餐,在我心中,圣诞节应该有圣诞老人,有圣诞树,还有一些小饰品。”有老师说:“我想陪孩子过圣诞节。”是啊!对于圣诞节,我们有那么多的想法。 今天是圣诞节前夕,我们学校的老师精心准备了浮力森林的小蛋糕。虽然礼物很小,但这也是老师的一番心意呀!我们学校英语组的老师们带着一支小“乐队”走进了每个班的教室,为同学们分发礼物。同学们露出了甜甜的笑容。 圣诞节,一个美丽的节日;圣诞节,耶稣出生的日子。|||